NetGalley Blues by Barbara Rachel (& Barbara Chalom)
Generally speaking, I am a person of caution. I plan, I schedule, I research. Sure, I ride the occasional roller coaster, but I don't throw caution to the wind. Yet, that is what I've done by writing a book and asking for feedback. Promoting a book while juggling a full-time career, staying present for my family, and writing a second book has been a life-changing experience. I don't know how well I'm executing it all--but I'm trying. Here's the thing about this. The late nights. The research. Chasing down feedback from others over email. The --just-one-more-part-and-I-will-go-to-sleep--all of that goes into the book. And I still forget to dot an "i" or cross a "t." I forget the end of sentence punctuation. I've been through that first novel dozens and dozens of times looking for errors. At some point I had to draw the line and decide that enough was going to have to be enough. Let it go. Then there are the reviews. Most reviews have be...