
Showing posts from January, 2025

NetGalley Blues by Barbara Rachel (& Barbara Chalom)

Generally speaking, I am a person of caution.  I plan, I schedule, I research.  Sure, I ride the occasional roller coaster, but I don't throw caution to the wind. Yet, that is what I've done by writing a book and asking for feedback. Promoting a book while juggling a full-time career, staying present for my family, and writing a second book has been a life-changing experience. I don't know how well I'm executing it all--but I'm trying.  Here's the thing about this. The late nights. The research. Chasing down feedback from others over email. The --just-one-more-part-and-I-will-go-to-sleep--all of that goes into the book. And I still forget to dot an "i" or cross a "t." I forget the end of sentence punctuation. I've been through that first novel dozens and dozens of times looking for errors. At some point I had to draw the line and decide that enough was going to have to be enough. Let it go. Then there are the reviews. Most reviews have be...

Light It Up by Evie Blum

Light It Up by Evie Blum My rating: 5 of 5 stars In a few words: Loved and surprised by the spice level. Please note, I did receive this ARC for free; I am writing this honest review voluntarily and appreciate the opportunity provided by the author to review this book. So, Gabby and Ben are lifelong friends and right off the bat sex complicates everything. I loved how Gabby is not a swooning, weak willed heroine: she is sassy, sometimes in the wrong, stubborn and lives out loud. I enjoyed cheering her on. I felt the story was as much about figuring out if two people are any good for each other let alone going to get that happily ever after. There are no guarantees here—anything goes—and I really enjoyed that about this story. It was a roller coaster and I was totally here for it. I loved the Jewish and Israeli representation. It was timely, current, with some real poignant moments. I will say I was surprised by the spice level — ju...