The Banned Books Club by Brenda Novak

 OK, first of all what I liked: I appreciated the characters and their depth, including the villains—with a few exceptions most of the characters were very multifaceted. The story itself was super engaging and a real page-turner. 

What I didn’t like:  some parts seemed underdeveloped and rushed, particularly transitions in relationships. Also, unless I was missing some deeper nuances, it seemed a missed opportunity to pull in the themes of some of the banned books into the storyline. 

Overall, I really liked the story—it was intriguing. I just wish some parts of it were fleshed out more. And that there was more of a point to the banned books component of the story other than to illustrate the main  female character’s strength and personality.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and MIRA for the opportunity to review this ARC. I was given this ARC free of charge, but the review opinions I express here are my own.

⏰ I read it in a few days

🌶️intimate but not over the top 

🏷️ trigger warning: sexual assault, victim shaming









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