The Dating Plan by Sara Desai


This is number 2 in the Marriage Game series - and in true #ADHDinattentivetype fashion, I have completely managed to read these 3 books out of order. No matter, as this is the type of series where the characters are more associated with each other than the story of 2 people on one journey.

That housekeeping aside, I both read this and listened to the audible. If you have been following my posts you will know that even when I am fully engaged and #hyperfocusing with a book I miss so much if I only take it in on one modality so therefore I read and I listen for the full effect. It helps to know oneself.

Now down to it. I LOVED this book. Sara Desai is now 2/2 for me in reading a book in under 48 hours. I could not put this down.

So this clicked many of my buttons. The large, they-are-everywhere family that is in your business in contrast to the emotionally distant and everyone is misunderstood family was an intriguing storyline. And I also really appreciated that there was no moral high ground there: both types of families had flaws, misunderstandings and mistakes are made all around. It was all very relatable to me personally and served to bring on the tears and the belly laugh moments.  

The love story: so just when I thought the "enemy becomes my lover" story is a trope that has been overplayed and cannot be possibly done a new way, I am proved wrong again. Always a pleasant surprise when it is pulled off.  I was totally there for Liam and Daisy and their tale of love (and lust). 

There was also plenty of evidence that their only real enemy is themselves. In Liam's, words, "with a shake of his head, he pushed those thoughts away. His father had made sure Liam know he wasn't good enough for anything or anyone, much less a girl like Daisy. Even though he'd made something of his life, inside he was still his father's son - unworthy and unwanted...Daisy deserved so much more." While it does not take them long to hook up, it takes much more for them to realized they deserve a happy ending.

Speaking of happy endings... this is not a PG-13 book and my thing about that, speaking for myself, is if you are going to go there, really just go there. And this author does go there. Without giving too much away, you do not have to wait long for these two to get busy and if this is your thing, there is plenty of it. Very enjoyable, and speaking for myself, there was no crass or cringy language...except where one would expect it.

I really enjoyed this book and absolutely recommend the series. 

If you have read it before, please feel to comment below; I would love to here your thoughts.


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