Dating Dr. Dil by Nisha Sharma


As another desi romance, this was a good segue from the Sara Desai series. I enjoyed the characters, particularly the aunties, in this east coast tale of struggling Indian singles. It was hard not to compare the story, however, and while I did enjoy it almost as much, there were not as many laugh out loud moments. I also found the way Kareena is treated by her family even more harsh and unfair than maybe it was meant to be when compared to the more supportive relationships in the last 3 books I read. In any case it was good fun and overall I enjoyed this book. 

There was one thing, and I will not beat this to death, as it has been mentioned so many times in other reviews, but the choice of name by Prem’s character for his genitalia was annoying and a stupid distraction. There, I said it. At least he did not go around saying it aloud. (Eye roll).

I think it is also worth mentioning that whatever I have said was spicy before had nothing on this book. I mean, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being something along the lines of a Hustler letter, this was a surprising 8.5. So if that is not your cup of tea, you probably do not want to read this book. 

It was an entertaining, engaging, comedic rom com and I really did enjoy it and would recommend it, as long as you are not too embarrassed reading about fairly explicit sexual encounters. 


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