The Marriage Game by Sara Desai


This was to be the first installment of the three books that I have now read completely out of order.  #ADHDlife. Despite this, Sara Desai again does not disappoint.  Returning to the characters from the San Francisco Bay area that I have come to know in the previous two books, this book really has everything: a big, loving, noisy family with all the aunties, romance, adventure, baseball, bar fights... The romance between Layla and Sam is exciting and fresh.  Once again, for three out of three books, I did not want to put this down.

As in the other two books, there were multiple laugh out loud moments and who doesn’t need that in their lives right now?

Without giving too much away, in addition to the ending, which was fantastic, my absolute favorite scene involves a bathroom at one of the auntie’s shops and shapewear. Totally spicy and absolutely hilarious at the same time. 

Hands-down, I recommend this book, and I certainly recommend the whole series, with the disclosure that this is not PG-13, so you have been warned.

I hope you love these books as much as I have. 


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