Review: The Bookshop of Second Chances

The Bookshop of Second Chances The Bookshop of Second Chances by Jackie Fraser
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In short: All the claps for this book.
I am (not) sorry but I would love to see more books with a mature woman lead. More please.

Beyond that, I love the whole Mr. Darcy vibe I am getting here: "the curmudgeonly exterior turns out to be a loyal and dedicated love underneath it all and totally worth cracking that shell" Mr. Darcy type, not the "he broke my sister's heart and I love to hate him" type.

So, it is my 2nd time reading this book and it is going to be a go-to for me when I need a reliable romance that will not let me down. I cannot quite put my finger on it but I really adore the book - well written, interesting characters and overall  it is just a new favorite of book of mine.  As I said, I absolutely am rooting for the the age demographic of the book's main characters, if I did not already make that clear. Beyond that, I love the book shop as a back drop- it sounds like a place I would love to hang out it in. And as we all know, I love a particular type of ending....

Now for something different: If I was a playlist for this book....I will link a Spotify playlist on my blog but here is a selection...
"Into My Arms" Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
"Heart-Shaped Box" Nirvana
"There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" The Smiths
"Until I Found You" Stephen Sanchez, Em Beihold
"Rebel Rebel" David Bowie
"Just What I Needed" The Cars
"The Passion of Lovers" Bauhaus
"Breathe Your Name" Sixpence, None the Richer... because Love and it would make our hero's eyes roll.

Bookshop Playlist

Selection of authors/books they discussed in this book...
Thomas Middleton, "The Revengers Tragedy"
John Donne, "Love Poems"
John Milton, "Paradise Lost"
Lord Byron, "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
Agatha Christie
Isaac Newton
Harry Potter Books
J. G. Ballard: "Concrete Island", "High-Rise" and "Cocaine Nights"
Dorothy Sayers
Toni Morrison, "Beloved"
D.A. Madigan, "Like a Pendulum Do"


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