The Rom-Com Agenda by Jayne Denker

This was a fairly classic romcom story, as would be expected by the title. The main character had a tough back story, however, making this book stand apart a bit from the pack. Without giving anything away, I will just say that Leah Keegan's history and the challenges she faces in the book were unexpected and I appreciated the depth of her character. By contrast, her opposite, Eli Masterson, is a bit obtuse and does not do much to endear anyone to the cis-hetero male for about 80% of the book. 

Overall, I enjoyed the story and it was a quick 2 day read, even for me. 

As far as spiciness: this is very PG-13. 

Favorite quote: "Trust issues - she had them, and with good reason. She was perpetually braced for the moment something would be taken away from her - a home, a place in the world."


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