The Unworthy King, by Maggie McCallum

 Search no further, this is the best of both worlds as a romance and a fantasy. 

From start to finish, I was loathe to put this book down. I felt drawn to learn the fate of our main characters and felt invested in Nora and her path from the beginning. Her internal and external challenges and insecurities were so palpable and relateable. Overall, the depth of development of the characters was remarkable.

Also, I loved the hints of possible plot twists and turns throughout. I was really impressed by the descriptions of the fae world - I felt I could easily see it all in my minds eye.

The romance was full of passion and hit all the breathtaking notes without being crass. It was adult level, to be sure. 

Overall, I loved this book and cannot wait for the next one! 

Please note, I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.








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