Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon

Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

9/17/2023….I finally finished it.

Diana Gabaldon has an incredible mind for details and world building. But….
I cannot decide if this could have been 4 different books about different main characters or if this story could have just started around Chapter 93 because TBH it really did not pick up energy before that. The first 90 or so chapters felt like an endless diary of day to day minutia that did not seem to have any big picture significance.

And then to top it all off it ended on a spoiler!? The build up for which was only in the last 10% of the book.

This was not my favorite book of the Outlander series. I am still giving this three stars because the writing is excellent. The world building as I said, is incredible. I am deeply invested in these characters as I am a big fan of the series and have been since the beginning.

I was not a fan of the audible but due to my ADHD and the deep dives into detailed characters I could not rely on the text alone. See my notes on this below.

5/22/23...Still reading and listening to the audible, #adhd style. I feel like I am doing starship logs for this review.

3/15/2023 My G-d this book is overly long. Reading in pieces because I just cannot.
Do I need to hear every detail about every mundane life activity? No, not really. It is like going to a 5 week family reunion. I love my family, but who would do that....?

1/28/2023...A note on the audible, and I am not ageist because I am no spring chicken, but the narrators voice ages Claire by about 20 years past her characters age. 


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