Review: Fourth Wing

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What can I possibly say that has not already been said? I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to what comes next.
This dystopian fantasy is set in a dragon rider training school - more akin to an officer candidate program than a military school. A young woman enters as a first year trainee, much against her own wishes, and her journey is the story of this book.
I loved it.
The world building and political back story are so intricate but, I thought, without unnecessary detours. The developing romantic desires of the lead character tie into the story without completely overpowering it.
To me this book was akin to Guy Gavriel Kay’s books in epic character development and world building but without the historical undertones. Particularly I am reminded of The Last Light of the Sun.
The humorous and raunchier aspects - whether of a violent or sexual nature were more George RR Martin than Kay however. It reminded me of The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, by George RR Martin, probably my favorite book(s) of his.
The level of intimacy and romantic aspects are bold and forthright, which of course recalls Diana Gabaldon’s style in the Outlander Series, all of which I loved.
So yes, there is a strong romantic connection, at least for one character (no spoilers here) but this was more about a nation, its young people that are loyal enough to train to ride a dragon in its defense. And what blind loyalty or even partially blind loyalty can cost.
I highly recommend this book.
Some have labeled this as a young adult book. I would categorize it as a more mature book. There is violent deaths and explicit sexual encounters. Not what I would catagorize as a YA novel.
In anycase, one of my favorite parts of this book is though it had me gasping, and even crying towards the end, it had me laughing more than anything.
The audible narrator can make or break how the story is told in this format and Rebecca Solar (and Teddy Hamilton) were believable and remarkable. 5 stars for me, all around.
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