Happy Place by Emily Henry

Happy Place Happy Place by Emily Henry
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Um. Nope. This book, the characters and the story all enraged 🤬 me.

I wanted to love this book - I have loved everything else Emily Henry has written. Huge fan. Wish I could write like they do.

I think this is the lowest stars I have given a book I have finished.

I get why someone would like it, I think. I mean EH is an incredible writer and all of the basics are there. Characters, dialogue, a universe. I liked the cover…😂
I love Maine 🦞 and 🖤 the Stephen King references.

I usually love a troubled-by-awful-parents and rising-from-the-ashes-of-a-dumpster-fire childhood story. And it is NOT that in the end the MC’s made the choices they did. They honestly could have made any choices by the time I was in the last 10% because I just wanted to know what happens and I just wanted the book to be over.

Basically, if I wanted to listed to whining and waste my time, I would have a conversation with an over-privileged teenager. 

It reminded me of the 80’s hit movie The Big Chill. Everyone thought it was so great - probably because of the angst and the soundtrack. But I always felt it was a movie about a bunch of self centered a$$hole$ that had the world handed to them and brought nothing to it in return.

This book was the 2020’s version of that. Without the soundtrack.

And the intimacy scenes - 🙄- a series of hurried drunken fumblings before the MC’s realized they have problems - which are not really problems at all - and just….not a fan of this book.


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