At First Spite by Olivia Dade

A few pre-spoiler notes:

Read. This. Book. 

Loved it. I love everything Olivia Dade writes, even her newsletter emails because she makes me smile and I need more of that, believe me.  It takes place on the eastern shore so - that was so fun for all of us that live or have lived locally in D.C., as I do. This is bodice ripping spicy 🌶️ so if that is not your cup of tea, best move on. It is a slow burn but it gets there. Several times.  There is a rather unusual fetish of some adjacent characters, but it leads to so much hilarity, bring it on I say. 

Okay I never do spoilers but this book had my favorite line of the year so far, and it is kind of a big reveal line so if you do not want a spoiler. Stop. Don’t read further.

⚠️ ______________

A for sale sign that reads. “1 Broken 🖤. No need to buy. It’s always been yours. I’m so sorry.”  Come on Olivia Dade?!? How is one supposed to continue read the remaining 20 odd pages through never ending tears?

Okay this is my favorite Dade book yet for the following reasons:

1. It is the most recent one I read, and I always feel that way.

2. The Eastern Shore - my childhood stomping grounds. Literally I died from nostalgia

3. Who else can mainstream and normalize monster erotic fiction? Not my thing, was not even aware of it but here it was, rather prominently at times and my hat is off to you Ms. Dade. 

4. Two main characters that google everything??? They keep lists? What is this? It is like she went into my search history and found me there wiki-ing everything. I too keep notebooks. 🤓. IYKYK.

Olivia Dade, if you are reading this, I always feel seen in your books by one character or another. You are a magician or maybe a wizard. Thank you for doing what you do. Having two main characters that battle depression and anxiety AND one with medical burn out AND they both google everything??? WTF. This is next level.

The icing on the cake is that the enemies to lovers trope is my jam. 

No notes. This was a slay. 

🌶️ bodice ripper and staying for the big finish, wink wink, nudge nudge
⏰ a few days. In part because Olivia Dade uses big words I have to google. See what I did there?
⚠️ depression issues. PTSD. Traumatic childhood. Parents that should never have been parents


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