On The Plus Side By Jenny L Howe

I loved this book. 

Everly is our hero in this story of a young woman set to be featured in a reality TV makeover show geared toward plus-sized participants. Prior to this, she has been trying to hide herself for so long that she has procrastinated  pursuing any of her dreams. 

As her story unfolds she begins to face challenges - some from unexpected places - as her character grows and changes. This was funny and entertaining but also a really worthwhile read. Initially, I expected the plot to be fairly straightforward, but there are some surprising twists and turns afterall. What I liked most about this story was the development of Everly‘s gumption.  I laughed, I gasped and cried my way through this book. 

This is another book that I’m reading this year that features a female main character who becomes her own hero and really rescues herself. As far as the intimacy level, it was more implied than explicit, which is fine and left plenty to the imagination. 

As always, when reading a book about characters who face challenges that are not something that I personally face, it is an eye-opening experience for me see the world through their eyes and viewpoint. I absolutely recommend this book and I would probably even read it again. This was the Audible version and I think next I will pick up the paperback copy once I get through my TBR‘s. The voice acting was very well done, by the way. 

As I have mentioned before, as an ADHD reader, I often do enjoy having the experience of the audible as well as a paper book as I hear and read differently, and sometimes it’s almost as though I am getting two different versions of the same book. This was a great story, and I look forward to reading more from this author.








Trigger warning: body shaming, mothers that are painful to be around


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