Miracles and Menorahs by Stacey Agdern

Miracles and Menorahs Miracles and Menorahs by Stacey Agdern
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A girl that loves Hanukkah and a boy who loves it too, what could go wrong? She loves the small town she grew up in and its annual Hanukkah festival, but some of the town wants to change it to a holiday festival. Meanwhile the boy does not like the commercialization of holidays, hence the conflict between them.

I love a Jewish themed romcom as much as the next person — this was a sweet story and for the most part I really enjoyed it. I loved the main character and the grandmother of the male MC - they were my favorite parts of the story.  Another thing I did love was the idea of a small town with a Hanukkah festival. That was a really fresh idea - build the world you want to see, even if it is for a novel

One problem I had was that the main female lead had a best friend who was horrible. She was whiny, demanding and self centered. The whole book I wanted a reveal on how Sarah, our MC, was going to break up with her terrible friend. Did not happen. 

And the next book in the series features the best friend. Maybe she will be redeemed?

I wanted to love this but that character really bothered me. I have been in sick friendships in my life and I just found the character triggering. The other thing was the male MC and his conflict over the festival and commercialization was not really believable. Or if it was it made his character seem pompous and self righteous. 

⏰ I read it in a few days.
🌶️ only spicy like a pumpkin latte
🏷️ TW: People that want to put their Christmas in your Hanukkah


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