Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey

Fix Her Up Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved this!

Georgie, our main character, grows and develops in part because of the work she puts in on herself and the chances she takes — not just because she may (or may not) fall in love. 

The fact that she was a clown was a bit off-putting to me, but only on the surface and actually, it truly worked for the story, so I let it go. What I did not like at all was her brother Stephen and his weird relationship with his wife. It was like I missed a book/back story on them — they felt underdeveloped and at least two times their behavior was so odd — I did not get it. (If I did miss a prequel let me know — that would be so me).

But I loved the rest of it so much, I still gave all the stars. 

On a big Tessa Bailey binge right now and this was not a disappointment at all.

⏰ I read it in a few days.

🌶️ it is Tessa Bailey — 5 alarm spice — do not read if you do not enjoy explicit intimacy 

🏷️ trigger warning: child hood trauma d/t abandonment







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