Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
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I really enjoyed this book — a marriage on the rocks, this is a highly relatable subject to anyone that has been married more than a minute — although this couple is in an extreme case to be sure. Fair warning — this is not only extra spicy but this couple is definitely into a vibe that many people may find antiquated or a bit too caveman.
There were parts that I thought were a bit much, to be sure, but overall, I appreciated the story. I also really liked the incorporation of the love languages into the story — I find that subject fascinating and it was really different to see these built into the story.
If you enjoy reading about spicy alpha males, this book may be right up your alley.
Trigger warning: Veteran associated PTSD
There were parts that I thought were a bit much, to be sure, but overall, I appreciated the story. I also really liked the incorporation of the love languages into the story — I find that subject fascinating and it was really different to see these built into the story.
If you enjoy reading about spicy alpha males, this book may be right up your alley.
Trigger warning: Veteran associated PTSD